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Infants, Breastfeeding and Latching On

Each week I would like to focus on one important aspect of the therapies I've chosen to focus on to help heal the body at a time.

This week I've chosen to highlight CranioSacral therapy with infants and children. Many families do not know that this gentle but highly effective therapy can help their children from newborn to teenager and beyond. With infants a common issue is the baby not being able to latch on while breastfeeding, resulting in a frustrating experience for both baby and mother. Jennifer Presley, a massage therapist who specializes in CranioSacral Therapy, like myself, wrote a wonderfully informative article on why and how the therapy helps on her blog, "From Belly to Baby".

I've reposted it here for your information and enjoyment. http/ You can cut and paste it into your browser and enjoy her concise explanations.

I personally have treated newborns from a few hours old, to toddlers, to a 5 year old boy who stuttered horribly and had been in speech therapy for a year and a half. Within a few visits we had corrected the bones, muscles and connective tissues of the mouth and head and the stuttering was significantly reduced to only times of extreme fatigue or stress. Frontal bone compression from difficult births is another situation I see fairly regularly. This causes pressure on the frontal lobe of the brain with symptoms of outburst of over reacted frustration or anger.

If you and your child are experiencing growing pains from these or other symptoms including reflux, ear infections, lack of coordination, constipation, then please call or schedule an appointment today. I'd be happy to do an evaluation.

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